The Used Server Advantage

The fundamental benefits of true servers such as reliability, redundancy, error handling and remote management, not found in low-cost converted consumer hardware, has changed little over the years as server technology is a relatively slow moving behemoth which suffers from high depreciation in favour of small generational performance gains.

Enterprise Grade

In Enterprise, even small server outages can quickly scale to huge costs. Enterprise Grade hardware is built around reliability, performance and security to maximise uptime and minimise maintenance.


As many as four sockets per server allow for a massive number of cores in a small space without hitting thermal and power limitations of a single socket.

Easy to Manage

Out of Band Management such as HP ILO and IBM IMM allow you to offload most physical server tasks to an easy web interface. You have more valuable things to do than stand around your server waiting for it to boot.


Dual power supplies, redundant storage arrays, hardware monitoring and alerts, ECC and countless other technologies come together to ensure that enterprise servers stay running and keep running.

Low Cost

By the time used servers reach the market, large enterprise have absorbed the primary costs, this means you can get all of the benefits and performance of enterprise hardware at a fraction of the cost.

SMB Servers is an offshoot of CNC Trading Limited and came about after recognising a need for other Small to Medium Businesses to be able to access the benefits of high performance enterprise servers in an affordable package which we found after building our business on exactly the hardware we have come to sell.

True enterprise servers from leading brands are priced out of the reach of most SMB, yet the need for reliable, powerful servers are just as great.

As we’ve once done, this often pushes businesses to building servers using consumer hardware and losing out on the monitoring, management, redundancy and reliability benefits of true enterprise servers.

Or alternatively looking into cloud VPS solutions, which quietly ramp up monthly costs as your needs increase with confusing pricing systems and become very difficult to migrate from in a production environment all while your sensitive business data is held by a third party.

This website, as well as our entire environment, is run on the same hardware that we have on offer here and we aim to ensure the same is within your reach.

SMB Server Handshake Logo

Daniel Chong

Technical Specialist

Daniel loves IT Infrastructure, and has scratch built our entire environment looking to maximise functionality whilst minimising overheads. Warning: He can and will talk eternal about our current configuration, how it was built, how it works and why we made the decisions he did.

Hayden Connolly

Sales Specialist

When it comes to working out a fantastic deal, Hayden is the one to put it together for you. Usually found manning the phone, mailbox & the sites 'Contact Us' section. Got a question? Send it our way!


Check out our articles to help you make informed decisions around your server needs.

Get in Touch

SMB Servers operates out of a residential premises in Glenfield, Auckland. We are happy to ship all over New Zealand.

Glenfield, Auckland

To get in touch, fill out the form or flick us a text.

Note: We're real humans on the other side of this contact us form. If you send us a message you can usually expect a reply within an hour or so. If you haven't seen something come through in that sort of timeframe - keep an eye on your junk box, or make sure to leave your number in the message if you'd rather we text or call you.

0204 143 6373

Contact Us